
The 6 Steps to International SEO Success

Lead generation

When you think of company expansion, you probably don’t automatically jump to thinking about international SEO. However, there is a lot of sense in doing so. International SEO has the potential to give your business a whole new audience to reach and target with your services and products. You might be afraid that it’s too difficult or that your competitors will have an advantage. But trust us, you can do it! If you want to expand your business internationally and grow as a global brand, international SEO is the way forward. It’s not as scary or difficult as it sounds; if anything, it’s quite simple. The process isn’t exactly straightforward, but by following the steps outlined in this blog post, you’ll soon be on the right track to successfully expanding internationally through SEO.

Step 1: Define your international SEO objectives

Before you even begin your international SEO journey, you’ll want to start with defining your goals. First and foremost, you want to determine what you want to achieve with your SEO campaign. What are you looking to gain from it? How will it be beneficial to your business? What does it mean for the success of your brand? With this in mind, you’ll be able to better decide what your international SEO goals are and how to get there. You’ll know how to set up your strategies, what you need to focus on, and what you should ignore. Next, you’ll want to focus on the main reasons you want to expand internationally and why you think it will benefit your business. How will it increase traffic to your website? What type of clientele do you want to attract? What will be different about your approach to SEO when expanding internationally? You’ll want to make sure that you have clear and concise answers to these questions.

Step 2: Build your international SEO strategy

Once you’ve defined what you want to achieve, the next step is to build your strategy and action plan. This will help you connect the dots between your goals and how you plan to achieve them. To get you started, here are some ideas to consider when building your international SEO strategy: – Keyword Research: Understanding the Keywords of your target audience is one of the first things you should start to consider. For example, if your business is based in the UK and you want to target the US market, you’ll want to focus on different keywords than those used by businesses in the US, who want to target the UK. – Content: How you create and publish your content will differ, depending on where it’s directed. You’ll want to focus on using different language, terms, and phrases depending on where you want your content to be seen. – Language: You’ll want to consider the language you’re using, both in your content and on your website. For example, if your website is currently only in English and you’re targeting French-speaking countries, you’ll want to ensure you’re including French translations on your website. – On-Page SEO: This is the SEO that occurs on your own website. Once you’ve built your strategy, you’ll want to focus on how to optimize your existing website for each of the countries you want to target. This includes things like sitemaps and URLs, headings, alt tags, and metadata.

Step 3: Language Research and Translation

When you’re expanding your SEO campaigns internationally, it’s important to remember that not all countries speak English. In fact, only about 10% of the world’s population actually speaks English as a first language. If your website is only in English, you are severely limiting your audience. To correct this, you’ll want to translate your content into other languages. What languages should you choose to translate your content into? Well, you can begin by identifying the languages spoken in your country and the countries you want to target. By doing language research and translation, you’ll be able to increase your website’s reach and target a wider audience. This is sure to increase your SEO and help you earn more clients.

Step 4: Geo-Marketing Research

Next, you’ll want to focus on geo-marketing research. This will help you better understand your target audience and help you adjust your strategies accordingly. For example, if your audience likes to be engaged through video and images, you should include more of these types of posts. For this step, you’ll want to do some deep diving into your target countries. You’ll need to know what your audiences like, what they’re interested in, and what they’re searching for. To do this, you’ll want to start by looking at search engine data, such as Google Trends and Google Insights. You’ll also want to review your competitors’ websites, seeing what they’re doing and how they’re engaging with their audiences.

Step 5: Website Redesign and Internationalization

Once you’ve completed your research and translation, you’ll want to redesign your website to be more internationalized. For example, if your website is currently in English, you’ll want to translate it into the languages you’ve translated your content into, such as French and Spanish. With your geo-marketing research in mind, you’ll want to make sure that your website is tailored to the audience in your specific country. You want to make sure that your website is appealing to your target audience and that it includes the types of engagement that they like. This will make sure that you attract more visitors and have a higher chance of turning them into clients.

Step 6: Roll Out the Strategy

Now that you’ve built your strategy, translated your content, redesigned your website, and internationalized your online presence, you’ll want to begin rolling out your strategy. You’ll want to start with the country you’re in now and work your way out. This will help you to better plan your events and give you time to improve your strategies. At the same time, you’ll want to be focusing on continuing to build your brand. What should you be doing to build your brand? Well, you’ll want to focus on making sure that your brand is engaging with its customers and potential customers. You’ll want to make sure that your website is updated to include the most recent information and that you’re engaging with your audience regularly.


Building an international SEO strategy is sure to make your business grow, but only if you do it right. You’ll want to make sure that you follow these steps and don’t skip any of them. If you do, you could cause more harm than good and negatively affect the success of your strategy. If you follow these steps and carefully plan your international SEO strategy, you’ll be on the right track to successfully expanding your business internationally. With the right SEO strategy, you can reach a whole new audience and really increase your brand awareness.


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